Bitcoin: A Force for Good

by ObiWan Kenobit | June 21st, 2020 | vol.3

Bitcoin: A Force for Good

ObiWan Kenobit

Final Draft
Day 28, 3rd Halving Epoch (28/3)



Luca, a young man in his 20s, walks down a long, grand corridor. High, arching stone walls direct bright light from tall, narrow windows into crisscrossing beams across the dark stone floor. He comes to the end of the hall, faces an imposing wooden door with copper and brass bindings. Luca knocks. The door slowly swings open by itself. He hesitates, then enters.


Ben is a wizened, old man sitting at a large desk. He radiates energy. His office is filled with a golden, hazy light.


He is busy setting up a Bitcoin Node. The desk is crowded with computer parts, cables, etc. He is very focused while typing commands. An orange light emanates from the computer screen. Ben continues working as Luca, his new disciple, walks into the room.

Luca wanders around the room inspecting bookshelves, pictures, and then flops into an empty chair.


What is Bitcoin exactly? I’ve been here for weeks. But, no one’s given me a straight answer.


(continues typing)

It’s a force that binds us, surrounds us. It’s an energy field created by us but is much more than any one of us. It is both here and not here. You own it, yet it owns you. It is what you wish it to be but then it’s not.


(draws his legs up into the chair)

I don’t get it. Money is money. This is much more complicated than it needs to be. It’s frustrating!


Money is math. It is science, philosophy and even religion my dear boy! It describes how we interact with one another and the world around us. It is a universal language of value and values. Yet it has become corrupted and co-opted by those who seek dominion over men. They’ve transformed it from a tool of trade and saving to the shackles of incarceration.


(throws his hands in the air)

It just seems so overwhelming. Everything I understood about money and markets is being turned on its head. Feels like I’ve entered an alternate reality. The past is present and present is past. It’s so convoluted.


Ah, there is the crux of the problem and therein lies the solution. How does one go forward without looking back? You will study the past and delve deep into the origins of money. It will be illuminating. And with time you will begin to fathom the depths of the crimes committed in the name of Fiat. You will also learn: Bitcoin fixes this.


(shaking his head)

But why would people change? Wouldn’t they have a lot to lose? I mean most people are comfortable and things seem to work. 


(looks intently at Luca)

Many hold that view. But there are some, like us who understand how the Fiat Empire has worked against its own people. It’s taken away freedom and choice. It punishes you and me—the individual—and it’s made us all into a common man’s collective. Their leaders sit atop and watch in grim satisfaction. But you will learn, Luca. Bitcoin stands against the tyranny of the Fiat Empire and its coterie of Central Banks. Bitcoin is the essence of truth.


(gestures at Ben’s shelf)

But you’re a master and me, I’m just some kid with a few sats.


A master! No dear Luca, I am as much a student as you are. Bitcoin cannot be known in its entirety. It is a living thing. It’s growing. But you can study and grow with it. And in time you will begin to see the outline of the real world. You’ll learn that your savings, the record of your very labors and essence, are sapped by Fiat day after day. You may not notice it right away but each year you have to work harder. Longer hours. Your dreams seem further out of reach. This is the insidious power of Fiat. It feeds on your very life energy!


(leaning forward)

But how much longer can we afford to wait. The Empire’s just getting stronger every day.

Ben stands, pauses, walks slowly to a large well-lit window, he is seen as a silhouette.


Patience. Bitcoin will repair many of our ills, but this is a journey. We must all take it. One step at a time and strengthen your understanding such that when the battle is engaged you will be ready. 

(turns to Luca)

You must learn the ways of Bitcoin. Codify its knowledge in your thinking. Run a Node and secure your Keys, Luca.  Be strong and in some way, make a place your Citadel.


Wait a minute, you mean like a castle? I can’t afford that!



No, no. A Citadel doesn’t have to be grand. But well provisioned and secure. Make it your home. Fill it with those dear to you. And within it you shall learn and teach and become more powerful than you can ever imagine.

Ben quickly walks back to his desk, lifts up a piece of paper, examines it and then shows it to Luca. It’s a dollar bill.

Fiat has twisted the lifeblood of all economies. It has taken the good of money and made a mockery of work. The dark side employs inflation and debt in its service. It manipulates interest rates, the very life blood of our markets. They use fear, uncertainty and doubt. A beguiling trifecta that has confused and mislead people down the wrong path for far too long.


(Luca stands)

So, we spread the word, one by one. And each one turned to Bitcoin exponentially adds to our strength.


Now you have it! 


What’s their weakness? They must have one.


Why it’s us! It’s Bitcoin—let me explain. Bitcoin is the physics of money. We abide by its general rule set but from it can create new economic opportunities for anyone who wishes to participate. It defunds the Empire’s war machines and mutes their economic inequality engines. Bitcoin returns money to the people as it is for the people. No one controls it. We share it with each other.


“Follow the path of consequence for your actions have repercussions that can reach across the universe.” You said that once. 


(nods in response)

Borrowed from our good friend Councilor Hazlitt.

Ben lifts a small, shiny metallic object from his desk and holds it up to the light. It is an OpenDime. He hands to Luca.

One of the greatest powers of man is the ability to convert the fruits of his labor into money. In this way, we exchange time and energy for goods we need or even needlessly desire. And when authorities distort and stand in the way of this universal law the very markets that are supposed to work for us are turned against us.


How can we defeat them? They seem so powerful…



(paces around the room)

It will not be easy. Each of us will have to sacrifice. You must save and be prudent. That is the way of the Bitcoiner. In time, you’ll understand the discipline you’ve cultivated today will become the foundation for the victory against Fiat. 

A sound rings in the distance, followed by a long siren. Outside, ominous shadows of ships lifting into the air darken the room. Luca peers out the window.


It’s starting, isn’t it?


The struggle against the Fiat Empire has reached a critical point. The desperate pitch of a battle foretold ages ago rises on the winds of a great storm. The Empire will do whatever it takes to secure its position. They’ll come after us. They’re coming after us.


Can we win?


Close your eyes Luca. Look deep into yourself and trust your feelings. Bitcoin is a force for good.

closeeyesbtc copy.png


ObiWan Kenobit learned about Bitcoin during the depths of the Great Financial Crisis. He witnessed Fiat Lords reap untold riches from the hands of people made destitute by the corrupt Dollar System. In due time he pledged himself to Bitcoin’s cause. Using knowledge gained from the sciences, art, music and literature he writes about Bitcoin in the hope of spreading its message far and wide.