Bitcoin Music #4

Talented Bitcoiner Songs

by Luke Parker | July 21st, 2020 | vol.4

In our modern, internet-enabled times, autotuned voices and karaoke tracks are available everywhere online. While it doesn’t take a lot of actual talent to make a music video about Bitcoin, there are actually quite a few musicians out there with real musical talent who have made them anyway. 

Those that do may be established bands or solo amateurs, but they still distinguish themselves as actual musicians by showing themselves playing the music, as opposed to just advanced meme creators like the rest of us.

The very first Bitcoiner to sing on the subject, Alister Brenton, had at least enough talent to sing while strumming four chords on his guitar in “Bitcoin Boomdeyada”, back in 2011, before anyone had even used other people’s music in our niche yet. Two and a half years later, near the height of the MtGox bubble, Elaine Diane Taylor’s “Bitcoin Barbarians” was the next to do so. Many noteworthy bitcoin musicians got their start around this time, including the talented songwriter Tatiana Moroz, who released the popular “Bitcoin Jingle” that same month.

In January 2014, the super-soulful “Cryptocurrency” by 13inlet was masterfully done on a ukulele, and the following month saw John Barrett of Bitcoins ‘n Gravy’s popular country song “Ode to Satoshi”.

As the MtGox bubble popped, Bitcoin-praising musicians were everywhere. The extremely talented band frontswoman and music teacher Laura Saggers released her creative hit “10,000 Bitcoins” next, just before Sixue Mandarin’s “We are all Bitcoin” swept across China introducing many in the country to Bitcoin for the first time.

The following year, a jazzy lounge act led by Aled Thomas gave us “the Bitcoin Song” just before the perpetually cute Naomi van der Velde and her infectious smile made half of the internet fall in love with her Meghan Trainor parody “All about that Bitcoin”.

Playing a hybrid Ukulele-Harp, Gracie Terzian’s upbeat “Bitcoins from Heaven” is a short but sweetly-sung original from near the top of the 2017 bubble.

A few months later, hard rocker Jason Saulneir got a clip of his “Bitcoin We’re in Love” video played by Jimmy Fallon on the tonight show. 

In March 2018, the Bitcoin Rat, who’s now-retired plush mascot has toured Bitcoin events around the world for years, wrote and performed a classic rock ballad called “Build the chain”. A few days later, 12-piece country band Nylon Rattle performed a dutiful Loretta Lynn parody “Bitcoin Miner’s Daughter”, complete with a banjo, steel guitar, and a saw violin.

‘Bitcoin Girl’ Naomi Brockwell is classically trained in voice and piano, and even strums a mean guitar in her many crypto-themed open mic videos. Her Kenny Rogers parody called “The Hodler” is probably the most palatable of these to Bitcoiners.

Closing out 2019 we saw Pat Ryan’s band produce the silly “Bitcoin Song”, a fantasy about buying a bunch of bitcoins for a dime each.

The May 2020 halvening event saw several artists pop out some great Bitcoin music, one of which was a beautiful Beatles parody called “Halvingbird” by writer, poet, and Bitcoiner Maria Laign. While not showing her face for OpSec reasons, this relative newcomer drops some real wisdom in her music such as in the final line; “Everyone buys Bitcoin at the price that they deserve.”


Luke Parker has been a Bitcoin journalist since 2014, writing for several different publications in the space. In 2013 he launched one of the largest Bitcoin merchant directories, Coinosphere, and has been consulting about Bitcoin and OpSec for companies and individuals ever since.