We keep hearing about this elusive group of people, who just like some mythical creature, appear only in times of the greatest danger. A group of people, who don't protest, don't step out of the line, too afraid to voice their opinion - The Silent Majority.
People who consider themselves a part of the silent majority, wear this title as an accolade, an achievement, almost like it's something to be proud of.
But let's be honest, there's no pride in being quiet when your community needs you.
Trump's voters, scared of expressing their political stance because of fear of being ostracized by the crazies on the left, have become a textbook example of the silent majority. They're quiet because they want to protect themselves against the social consequences of their opinions. They are naively hoping for their leader to change everything rotten in this society, and shield them against evil.
But what do you do if there are no leaders?
If there's no one to step up and take the hits for you? Do you just stand where you are, and watch the world burn?
Bitcoin has no leaders.
One of the greatest allures of Bitcoin is its decentralization. There's no one running the protocol, no one in charge, no one leading us. A concept that might be too hard to grasp for a society brainwashed over the millennia into believing that it needs a shepherd.
Everything that Bitcoin does, comes organically from within the community. There's no marketing budget to pay for fancy cars, strippers, and shills; sorry, I meant crypto influencers. There are no leaders to do the work for us, and thank God for that.
Satoshi built Bitcoin for the people, and his vision of sound money and electronic p2p cash system could change our society for the better if all of us did our part.
In Bitcoin, everyone has a role. You just need to find it.
The community surrounding Bitcoin is unlike anything I've seen before. The sheer size of it is tremendous, and growing every minute. The core devs are working days and nights, spending their free time to progress Bitcoin further. The great educators are writing books and teaching people, businessmen are pushing for more adoption, and those who have the power, are fighting the regulators and tyrannical laws.
Unfortunately, I'm neither of those. I'm just an everyday Joe, who bought some satoshis a few years ago and fell down the rabbit hole.
The rabbit hole that revolutionized the way I think about the world, and changed my life for the better.
I'll be forever grateful for the opportunities BTC gave me. It allowed me to work for Trezor, and create educational content about BTC for the masses. My articles aren’t Pulitzer prize material, but even if I managed to introduce only one person to Bitcoin, it counts. I quickly realized there are people who are much better at this than me. How could I compare with the knowledge of pioneers such as Hal Finney, Saifedean, Andreas, and many others, without whom Bitcoin wouldn't be where it is today. I had to find a new meaningful place in the Bitcoin society.
There is no place for freeloaders.
There's one thing I believe I can do better than the others. I can get very loud when it comes to things I'm enthusiastic about. And that's precisely what I'm going to do. I'm going to preach bitcoin to as many people as I can and introduce them to one of mankind's most significant works. I'm not afraid of the social consequences because I have nothing to lose. The only thing I thrive for is freedom, which was stolen from me the day I was born, just like it was stolen from you.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
It's my turn to give back to the Bitcoin community, and share the knowledge it taught me. And it's your turn too, my friend. Not all of us are developers, teachers, or opinion leaders, but all of us can speak, write, and introduce new people to Bitcoin. There are so many ways to support Bitcoin and help it thrive; there's no excuse for freeloading and being silent.
Fuck the silent majority in Bitcoin!
At the same time, as we're pushing Bitcoin forward, some people want to destroy it. There are many enemies of Bitcoin, peddling lies and false narratives, and they should be discredited and publicly shamed for their activities. If you consider yourself a Bitcoiner, you have to stand up against people like them. The future of Bitcoin, and your future too, depend on it.
You want freedom, financial independence, self-sovereignty, and sound money? Step up and do your part, make your voice heard. Bitcoin doesn’t need you; you need Bitcoin.
If you still decide to remain silent because you're afraid of damaging your reputation, getting into an argument, or getting sued, then fuck you and fuck your silent majority too.
Craael is a shitcoiner turned Bitcoiner. He's a full-time content strategist, who still hasn't learned to write properly, and in his free time, he likes to stir emotions of his 12 Twitter followers with hot political takes and offensive nonsense. You can find him hiking the mountains of Central Europe, sitting at his computer, or sleeping. A Bitcoin beast indeed.