Fuck Your Narrative

by CanEx | Apr. 21st, 2020 | vol.1

I got introduced to a new narrative the other day. I’m not sure I understood it exactly, but it goes something like this.

As nation state fiat currencies start to collapse and their governments can’t pay the US back what they’re owed, the dollar price will actually rise.

The logic is that the principle being written off from the US balance sheet and hence taken out of circulation at default is much greater than the interest the failed country paid before it went to shit. The need for liquidity went down in relation to the interest, but the supply got strangled many times more.

I’m not really sure what sets off the collapse, but a recession from a virus might do the trick, I guess.

The milkshake part is the period of time where the US sucks all value out of all it’s borrowers until they can’t afford to pay them anymore.

This is a fine theory that I’d bet on if I had to choose over “the original one”, the one where nation states just decides running on the USD as world reserve currency.

At the end of this whole thing Brent Johnson makes the case that, as the newly defaulted countries won’t have access to dollars (cuz they didn’t pay the US back the first time), so to trade within the financial system, they’ll either have to drive the USD price up to get liquidity by competing for it, or they’ll have to find a new way to facilitate trade.

If you’re like me, and can’t figure out how the fuck Brent, Schiff and their shit-rocker-friends are going to wire transfer gold across the world even after the dollar collapsed, you’ll probably come to the conclusion that Bitcoin with all it’s benefits is the much safer bet for a future world reserve currency.

If you have any other cryptocurrency in mind at this stage, I’m not sorry to say it, but it has to be said; you’re a fucking idiot.


To add to these to narratives, there was the Medium of Exchange Narrative, everyone had to have Bitcoin and buy coffee like it would treat corona to ever make it successful.

Then there was the Store of Value Narrative. We were supposed to run into a crowd of bankers, grab our money and buy Bitcoin, raising fucking mayhem on their balance sheets and make their lives miserable, until every person on earth was dead set on holding Bitcoin forever.

What else do we have?

We have some people dead set on making Lightning happen and until JP Morgan, VISA and MASTERCARD fired their last employee, Bitcoin could never have succeeded. Last, but not least, there’s the “institutions are coming to pamp us to the moon”-idea. And to come along with that the “I’m so fucking scared of rehypotecation. Bitcoin will die”-crew.

The thing is: all of this might be true simultaneously, and I have bought in to at least a few of these along the way.

However, the truth is we can have one function of Bitcoin being more valuable at some times, and another at other times. All of these things can play out for different people at the same time.

Bitcoin is a fucking beast!

There’s no need for outsiders to save us, or come running with their fucking money to pump our USD values. Those of us who knows the value of censorship resistant, globally spendable, digital scarcity, understands that Bitcoin can stand on its own.

Bitcoin is not a peripheral thing at the edge of the network of humanity. Even if it might not be so obvious right now, it is right there at the center of what humanity is screaming for. It’s a way to fulfill all of the narratives above, without ever having to ask another human being to support our ideas. We simply follow protocol, and besides that ask for no fucking permissions. We’ll have to break shit on the way. We will watch the world crumble. How fast that process is, and how much we’ll have time to rebuild before it cracks, I don’t know. What I do know is that we have the technology, for the first time in history, to actually make a change.

At the end, capital will set the pace. But capital can work in both directions. If you want an example, start by understanding the true value of Tesla, and then see how capital has prolonged the time it needs to reach its value. We’re not even close.

Bitcoin isn’t for the weak minded, Bitcoin is for those ready to hold their fucking stack to the end. It’s for those who know that the only narrative that counts is 1BTC=1BTC.

Bitcoin is for those who can accept that technology sets the inevitable end goal, and capital sets the pace.

Earn your fucking honor, hodl for glory, or get lost. 

CanEx cares about stuff that profoundly changes the world, and tries to understand it as well as he can, “aka pretty poorly”. His guilty pleasure is censorship resistant, globally spendable digital scarcity. He prefers it prepared over an open Goblerment fueled hell fire!

The wooman who walks freely on his land says most people think he’s a fucking obnoxious moron, until they realize he was right all along, but still don’t want to admit it cus they’re too dumdum.

He’s on the hunt for disruptive buys. Long Bitcoin, Tesla and trying to buy an index of gene-editing. Kelly criterion all the way. He runs some stupid businesses to feed his investment addiction. His spirit animal is @catoshimeowmoto.