Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

by Geophphreigh | Oct. 21st, 2020 | vol.7

I am pretty vanilla. 
I like that. 

It’s my favorite flavor ice cream and don’t even try to tell me that vanilla isn’t a flavor. Fuck, people circled the globe in search of spices and the vanilla bean is the second most expensive spice in the world, second to saffron.

But I digress.

I like being vanilla for this exact reason.

Seems boring, but it is actually very special. I may seem like an average guy, but I’m not. I could list reasons why, but let’s not kid ourselves, you’re here to read about Bitcoin.

Two areas of my own personal interest in Bitcoin center around the culture of Bitcoin. I am inspired by Bitcoin collectibles and by Bitcoin art. I am by no means an OG collector or famous artist, but I enjoy collecting and creating.

I have only just started to come out of my shell in the Bitcoin community. I got plugged into the collectibles page at and have really enjoyed interacting with genuine people from all over the world. Mind you these are some of the first people I have EVER interacted with who get it.

I have not met in person anyone who is interested in and has Bitcoin independent of my influence. So understandably, I feel small in this community. 


Hyperinflated Venezuelan Bolivars being made into art


Bitcoin provides seemingly endless inspiration for truly creative people. The cover art produced for this 7th edition of Citadel21 might not appear significant, but for me it is.

I know that I am not a big name artist. 
I don’t want to be. 

I like creating, have always enjoyed making things, and am honored to be able to contribute to the cultural zine that is Citadel21.

I have certainly found Bitcoin inspiring and have been influenced by countless other Bitcoin artists and collectors. The phrase “standing on the shoulders of giants” comes to mind. This metaphor is familiar and expresses the idea that we can better explore and discover greater depths of knowledge by utilizing the truths found by those that have come before us.

The English scientist Sir Isaac Newton wrote in a 1675 letter to Robert Hooke,“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” While this is often thought to be the source of the metaphor, it predates Newton by many centuries.

In the 12th century, Bernard of Chartres is credited with the idea that dwarves on giants shoulders could literally see farther. There are even older references from Greek mythology demonstrating the blind giant Orion carrying his servant Cedalion on his shoulders.

Regardless of the origins, it is a metaphor that has stood the test of time with countless modern references. Newton popularized this metaphor hence it is typically used to emphasize the progress of scientific knowledge. It is hardly a stretch to see that it truly applies to the progression of any knowledge base.


We stand on the shoulders of giants daily. 
I can list giants in my Bitcoin journey, I’m sure you can too. 

Undoubtedly we have relied on the experiences, wisdom, and mentorship of those who have come before us to get to where we are now.

Interestingly though, we are not simply observers standing on giants’ shoulders anymore. Without getting too philosophical, the point I want to make is you are already a giant. It was not apparent to me at first as I truly feel like a small person in this whole game, but I have come to the realization that I am a giant already.

If you are reading this, you are a giant too.

As I watch Bitcoin grow I see that anyone here now is already a giant, and others will be standing on our shoulders, even if we only feel like a plebe. It doesn’t matter what you contribute or even if you do (although it is more rewarding when you do).

Being involved at this point in the history of Bitcoin makes everyone reading this a giant. You may be coding, starting a business, writing a book, teaching friends, making art, acquiring collectibles, or publishing a niche zine.

It doesn’t matter, just do it. Engage and enjoy, because by doing these things you are a giant whose shoulders others will stand on someday.


Geophphreigh is a simple Bitcoiner. He found Bitcoin accidentally and has not looked back since. While not technical in the least bit he enjoys the culture of Bitcoin, the freedom it provides, and the inspiration Satoshi has given us all. He will continue to help grow the Bitcoin community through the Bitcoin art he makes, the collectibles he acquires, and the people he meets along the way.