The Red Terror
by Karo Zagorus | Aug. 21st, 2020 | vol.5
1956: Hungarian protesters and students grouping up on a Soviet T-34 Tank that was stationed in front of the Parliament. The Tank's commander and crew refused to open fire on the Hungarians, and were later killed by Soviet Soldiers.
Today, civilized society is slowly breaking down. High time preference is dissolving existing cultural norms, fueled by the continuous theft of value behind paper money. The death of George Floyd showed us that the world is turning extremely fragile, susceptible to outside stimuli that prompts people to go to extremes to hijack the narrative for political purposes. Looting, destruction of private property and the breakdown of civilized social norms, instigated by outside actors who attempt to replace it with anti-capitalist socialism and outright communism.
This is a problem. It is apparent for us that the future is not as stable as we might be perceiving it, since the further we progress and the more we let monetary nationalism rob us of our savings, the more inequality we will see. This will lead to further destabilization, and not just of the western world. Because of this, we must acknowledge the problem's existence in order for Bitcoin to remedy it.
But before we can acknowledge and understand the problem, we must go back in history and learn from it.
In Hungary during the Soviet Occupation, after the Nazi defeat of 1945, Hungarians lived under the constant danger of communist terror. Where every neighbor could be a Karen, lurking around to snitch on us by calling the Secret Police (ÁVH/AVO - Állam Védelmi Hatóság/Osztag). Our thoughts always monitored for disobedience and compliance with the "always happy socialist" narrative. The straight up manifestation of Orwell's 1984 existed here. Children were sent to summer camps to receive brainwashing, disguised as happy songs for the socialism. This came to a turning point in 1956, when Hungarian students started rebelling against the oppression, beginning the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. The students' goal was to seek a peaceful transition towards free democracy, but the demands were met by Soviet tanks and gun fire.
Secret State Police and State Protection Section members getting gunned down after being rounded up by armed protesters and rebels.
The protest, which was initially peaceful, was brought down by the invading Soviet forces on behalf of Hungary's de facto regime, to restore its rule over the populace. Although pleas were made for help from western countries, unfortunately the pleas were not heard. Time Magazine featured the "Hungarian Freedom Fighter", that took up arms against the Soviet Union against impossible odds. The revolution was viciously crushed, and hundreds of thousands of Hungarians fled to western countries.
State Police Service member gunned down infront of their headquarters by Hungarian Anti-Comintern Revolutionaries.
The revolution had failed, but it got hard coded into the minds of all Hungarians who witnessed it. After the Hungary border opening (Ungarn Grenzöffnung) in August 1989 during the Pan-European Picnic, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, and the change of system in 1989 in Hungary, a promise was made to never return to the failed ways of Communism and Socialism. These systems were never functional, and even today leave their mark on the countries that had to endure decades under their oppressions. Central European nations are still more economically backwards, and much poorer than Western countries because of this. Corruption is much more rampant and wages far lower, and it seems impossible to ever catch up with western standards. Although technologically similar to western counterparts, notable financial differences due to the effects of Communism and Socialism have left a permanent mark on society there.
It is perhaps a cultural phenomena of Western civilization that the dangers of Socialism and Communism were never instilled into its collective memory. In today's America, many people are now longing to bring this system to fruition in the United States. If there ever existed an American Nightmare, this is it, and there is now a chance that it could happen. There is no scientific progress under Socialism and Communism, just stagnation and destruction of capital. Western Nations never witnessed or exprienced socialism like those in today's North Korea or Venezuela, where entire countries are destroyed down to the lives of their individual citizens.
It is indeed a side effect of the present system that fringe elements are getting activated once again to disrupt progress. It’s important to get educated about these issues, and understand their processes of organization. Although some might argue that we are going to witness a peaceful transition, it is also possible that we will see fire and fury instead. The presence of Marxist and Leninist anti-capitalism is a potential danger to the users of Bitcoin.
As Bitcoin slowly progresses and we see more adoption, and as the perceived value of a bitcoin rises, it is more than likely that it will get into the crosshairs of these anti-capitalists. Today we can see that the aim of these people is not the re-distribution of capital, but the total destruction of it.
Then and now: Hungarian rebel tank advancing towards the Szent István Körút and Margit Bridge, and a trolley bus near the end station of the Jászai Mari Square.
We’re currently witnessing this unfold in America, where not only is the government destroying savings, but anti-fascists go as far as destroying private property and make business impossible. Private property is outright looted in the name of "social justice" and "reparations". The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle extorted protection money from businesses operating in their area. The behaviour of these extremists seem to hint at the possibility that in the future they will turn directly against the social cohesion of bitcoiners, and potentially endanger them.
As things unfolds further, it is likely that such aggression might increase in frequency and become a regular occurence. The radicalized will even turn against those who are trying to help them. These actions will potentially culminate in attacks on Bitcoiners in order to make the spending and use of bitcoin more difficult, or outright impossible through targeted economic disruption attacks. The advances in the 3D-printing space, like Deterrence Dispensed, seem to mitigate these problems by allowing individuals to obtain protective equipment related applications without it coming to the knoweledge of hostile elements.
All of this might make the creation of Citadels more likely, possible and needed. Personal networks might become hard to maintain and high-cost if Citadels are not possible to establish, either communication wise or in the physical domain. The complexities of such Citadel establishments will involve time spent on preparedness that will result in further expenditure. Although, as of today it is still debated whether, and in what form and size such Citadels can exist, either in big cities or in rural areas. Social organization will have to go through its natural hoops in order to arrive at the normalization of its future function.
As more and more people will flock to Bitcoin in the upcoming two halvings, only then will the potential problems show themselves, therefore being alarmed now should not be the default. The newly arriving will have diverse views, both related to politics and financial aspirations. The future can bring out the sovereign individuals who were so long hiding in the shadows, and we should welcome them with open arms, but not without emphasis on proper scrutiny.
Taking part in Bitcoin today is like being a revolutionary during the 1956 uprising, but a silent one where gunfire will not be a central element. But we must remain vigilant and understand that the outcome of current events is unclear, will require our attention and that we must potentially change our way of life if it becomes necessary.
It is therefore important for us to start organizing and preparing for all possibilities. It is possible that the nation state, or worse, a socialist authoritarian system could become the dormant rule of law, which would make personal freedoms and liberty impossible. Therefore, in no capacity can Marxist or Leninist communism be allowed space within the realm of Capitalism and Libertarianism. We cannot let the State further solidify its position and make progress extremely difficult. We cannot let dystopian outcomes hinder aspirations to fix modern civilization.
Karo Zagorus is a libertarian and a Master Graduate of Social Sciences at a Hungarian University. His specialization within Bitcoin is related to the fields of Society, Cultural Visual Anthropology, Politology and Philosophy. He actively takes part in Bitcoin meetups in Europe, is the host of @bitcoinrehab Podcast. He can be found on Twitter as @btcdragonlord, the only Toxic Bitcoin Maximalist Dragon Lord.