Three Pills, Bitcoin and the Matrix
by Sama Katharo | May 21st, 2022 | vol.17
We have at least three famous pills that people talk about a lot. Since every person has their unique perception of symbols/language, we have a lot of different understandings of what these pills represent. My perspective on these pills, of course coloured by my inner and outer experiences throughout life, might hit home for some while appearing strange to others, and it can depend on which pills you so far have ingested.
The Blue Pill
The blue pill lets us believe whatever is the easiest for us to cope with our life as we think it is. Whatever environment we live in, we will believe what the mainstream population believe and live within the commonly accepted worldview. Void of critical thought.
In most countries on earth today, blue pill people believe what is told to them by the mainstream media. Back in the day, it used to be the church or kings. Mass formation psychosis is a modern word for when groups of people prioritize a common fictional worldview over their own observations.
The Orange Pill
When searching down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, we break out of what I call the mental matrix. When we realize how manipulated the money is, we start to understand how the financial foundation has corrupted every aspect of society. We begin to see how the world is built up around false incentives and narratives presented as objective truth.
We realize how the blue pilled people innocently accept the narratives spread by institutions and the mass media. We see how they base their lives and actions upon these narratives and live in the results of their actions — the mental matrix — a fictional world built up around ideas that appear as real for a larger group of people.
When we see how narratives, thoughts and habits are moving everything in this world, we realize that we can improve our own life by changing what we eat, what information we absorb, how we earn money, who we hang out with and how we spend our time.
While munching the orange pill, we treat our mind as our oyster with unlimited potential. With Bitcoin in cold storage we can use our imagination and will power to create habits and steer our life towards the goals deemed honorable and beneficial.
The Red Pill
If we consider the complexity of the human body and the details of the physical environment in comparison to what humans can achieve with rational thought, we can see a huge discrepancy. We might begin to suspect that if we are going to understand things more deeply, we need to use something other than our rational mind to analyze it.
When we understand that our ability to observe is not the same as our ability to think, we create a divide between the two and start observing our thoughts from a separate reference point. This awareness becomes our new identity, from which we can see the programming that controls our beliefs and actions. One mental model for this is that we switch our focus from the left side brain (rational) to the right side brain (intuitive).
An identity outside the realm of mental models is undefinable and can only be experienced, but it has been described through the ages as the soul, spirit, timeless presence, limitless essence, a drop in the ocean of God and so on. In the context of Bitcoin, it is our personal node on the Bitcoin network.
After some exploration in the land of red pills we realize that our original spirits, outside time and space, experience the timeless present moment without movement. We created the physical reality to be able to experience who we are through time and space. This three-dimensional reality is the creation matrix, and we made it for ourselves.
Since this is a continual experimental project, we have during the development accumulated so many distortions that we have a hard time remembering the connection with our spirit and that we created this in the first place. This reality is very dense, which is good because we are more immersed in our experiences, but in our confusion and lack of connection with spirit we tend to create more distortions that contribute to unnecessary negative experiences.
The current challenge for us is to connect with our spirits enough to get this higher perspective and the ability to reprogram ourselves. The blue and orange pills make us treat the world and situations as separate from ourselves, and we try to make changes in the reflection (external world), rather than at the source (internal world). Those pills make us think that situations happen TO us, while the red pill makes us realize that the feedback simulation is happening FOR us, to understand our inner programming and upgrade it.
Our work-in-progress is to create a well-balanced creation matrix where we are well immersed in the experiences, while still maintaining strong contact with our spirit — heaven on earth.
I was red-pilled over 20 years ago and did not have a choice similar to many others who had near-death experiences, are abducted or have the greater reality shown to them in any other way. It then takes ‘time’ for the rational mind to create new models to include the new perceptions and even more ‘time’ before we are able to talk coherently about it with people who did not have such experiences.
The red pill domains can not be experienced with the rational mind. They are experienced with our awareness, our intuitive mind. Parts of the experience can be transmitted to our rational mind, that can then integrate insights into everyday reality.
Red and Orange goes well together
In reference to the Matrix movie we can say that:
Orange pill — the matrix is the mental narratives that we get wrapped up in by absorbing repetitions of specific sets of concepts. To “plug-in” to the matrix we play along with the current narratives and interact with people who are stuck in them.
Red pill — the matrix is our external world while our inner world is the real reality. To “plug-in” to the matrix we just need to open our physical eyes and we are here.
Many red-pilled people see Bitcoin as just another mental matrix where people got wrapped up in a hype and created their own mass formation psychosis of a smaller, but growing, scale. From a distance it can look like it is all about getting rich and pumping bags, but when we take the orange pill we realize that the Bitcoin network is actually one of the most important factors in upgrading humanity to a higher consciousness, and bringing about heaven on earth.
The frequency behind each action is amplified by the action. For example, if we do something because we are afraid, we ripple out a frequency of fear to our surroundings and the consciousness of humanity. So, all actions are important on an individual level, as well as on a macro level. Even if nobody sees you do those actions, they are always recorded in the matrix and have influence on a micro and macro scale. Cause and effect.
The creation matrix contains a wide range of frequencies, ranging from negative to positive, so that we are able to have a full experience. Negative frequencies like shame, guilt and fear creates emotional states like anger, frustration, greed, jealousy and pride. So actions based in those negative frequencies amplifies and perpetuate those states in the surroundings, and in the collective. While positive frequencies like unconditional love, compassion, creativity and kindness amplifies and perpetuates confidence, self love, empathy, peace and collaboration.
When the governing forces of a planet use negative frequencies to control and manipulate the population, they are creating enormous ripple effects that infest people’s lives with negative frequencies from the moment they are born. Since the negative frequencies are a big part of what we experience, we adapt to this as children and use the same methods as our parents to survive in this hostile environment. The positive frequencies that we contain are often labeled as fantasies, impossible, utopian, childish and naive.
Giving without expecting something in return has a positive frequency, and it ripples out hope, unconditional love and trust in life, while giving something to get something produces a negative ripple effect. The difference between the two can seem small at first but in the context of ripple effects and amplification it is a huge difference. In all small actions like this it is almost like we have an angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other - like in cartoons - when our conscience decides what frequencies we are about to amplify into the world. It often comes down to ‘who should be first’, ‘who should start’, who should ‘put down the swords’, who is willing to take the risk to stand vulnerable in the face of ridicule, pain, shame, anger or even death.
Throughout history we have had brave men and women who started to choose love over fear. People who had taken the red pill and said ‘enough is enough‘. They dropped their fears and based their actions only on positive frequencies. Some of them have tried to tell us through paintings, films, music, sculptures, writings and other creative expressions that it works, and that we should choose love. That giving without expecting anything in return DOES give us all we need if we are just patient.
Bitcoin is based in truth, which has a very positive frequency.
Bitcoin can not manipulate anyone, it can not shame or make anyone feel guilty. Bitcoin is not afraid of anyone and it does not feel pride. Bitcoin just IS - truth in a pure form, and that is what it ripples out with every block. Bitcoin has come up as the angel on the shoulder of humanity while the fiat system sits on the other shoulder in that analogy.
The fiat system wants us to believe that ‘life is hard’, that ‘there is not enough for everyone’ and that ‘we need to compete to survive’, but those are just mental constructs they use to keep us in survival mode. Those are some of the illusions we need to break through to become free. The demon on our shoulder will play on our weaknesses, all those feelings of not being good enough, not having enough or not being worthy of others' love and support. While the angel tells us that we are pure love, we will always have what we need and we will know what to do if we are true to ourselves and stand up for what is right.
The old world order wants to keep us identifying with our thoughts. Feeling that our belief systems matter so that we are kept in the negative frequencies. All belief systems are illusions. They are just subjective mental models of ourselves and the world. As long as we identify with them we can be controlled by narratives.
When we can see through all our belief systems, we move to a higher consciousness. Like switching channels on a radio, we start to experience life differently. We experience ourselves beyond beliefs and mental models. We experience the world beyond our expectations based on past experiences.
“We can not solve our problems with the same level of consciousness that created them.”
If Bitcoin became the reserve currency of the planet, we would live in ripples of positive frequencies. Giving without expecting anything in return — value4value — would become the norm within a few generations, and the positive qualities in everyone would be encouraged to be expressed.
From my perspective, Bitcoin adoption and a rise in consciousness goes hand in hand. We need structures based on positive frequencies to be able to build a society of higher consciousness. We also need people to shift to a higher consciousness, so they are able to grasp Bitcoin.
Let’s set up a Bitcoin node and center in our spirit node, LFG!
Sama Katharo strives towards physical, digital and spiritual sovereignty. He coaches people to raise their frequency and detox their old programming. He organizes a men's group for spiritual Bitcoiners and group meditations for keeping momentum. He also writes articles and hosts the Bitcoin Consciousness podcast.